Press Coverage

Fluctuations and Correlations in Modulation Instability


—         Laser Focus World, “Ultrashort laser pulses mimic natural wave patterns”


—         Nature Photonics News & Views, “Modulation instability: Loaded dice”


Photoemission From Nanostructures


—         Laser Focus World, “Strong-Field Physics: Ultrafast pulses, gold nanotips renew
classical view of the photoelectric effect”


—         Nature News & Views, “Microscopy: tip-top imaging”


Stimulated Supercontinuum Generation


—         Physics, “Viewpoint: Optical rogue waves on demand”


—         Physics Today, “Taming rogue waves to create switchable supercontinua”


Optical Rogue Waves and Stimulated Supercontinuum Generation


—         Reuters, “Scientists shed light on monster sea waves”

—         National Public Radio, “Scientists Seek Cause of Mysterious ‘Rogue’ Waves”  Audio Clip!


—         Scientific American, “The Real Sea Monsters: On the Hunt for Rogue Waves”


—         MSNBC, “Scientists shed light on monster sea waves”


—         ABC News, “Scientists shed light on monster sea waves”


—         Yahoo News, “Scientists shed light on monster sea waves”


—         AOL News, “Scientists shed light on monster sea waves”


—         Scientific American, “Scientists shed light on monster sea waves”


—         Science News, “Light Swell: Optical rogue waves resemble oceanic ones”


—         Nature News, “Rogue waves made of light”


—         Nature “News & Views”, “Rogue waves surface in light”


—         The Times, “How slight shift in the wind can turn a wave into deadly leviathan”


—         The Daily Telegraph “Scientists identify origins of freak waves”


—         The Herald, “The freaky maths that led to devastation”


—         EETimes, “EEs explain rogue waves”


—         Physics World, “Noise might cause huge ocean waves”


—, “Researchers capture optical ‘rogue waves’”


—         Die Welt (German national daily newspaper), “Monsterwellen toben auch in Glasfaserkabeln”


—         Deutschlandfunk radio (German national information radio station)


—         spektrumdirekt (German daily newspaper in science), “Monsterwellen aus dem Lichtleiter”


—         The New Zealand Herald, “Light pulses unleash giant waves, scientists believe”


—         Science AGOGO, “Engineers Generate ‘Rogue Waves’”


—         Science Centric, “UCLA scientists capture optical rogue waves”


—         Laser Focus World, “Scientists capture optical ‘rogue waves’”


—         Science et Vie, “Vagues scélérates: Les voici en pleine lumière”